News & Events

Post-pandemic studies show a spike in demand fo...
Are you responding to the increase in demand for enhanced cleaning regimes within commercial office environments? Recent research has found that UK businesses are prioritising the health and wellness of their...
Post-pandemic studies show a spike in demand for office cleaning
Are you responding to the increase in demand for enhanced cleaning regimes within commercial office environments? Recent research has found that UK businesses are prioritising the health and wellness of their...

Is your workplace sustainable?
Recent studies have found that eight out of ten office employees would like their workplace to be more environmentally-friendly, and around 60% believe that their colleagues would also react positively...
Is your workplace sustainable?
Recent studies have found that eight out of ten office employees would like their workplace to be more environmentally-friendly, and around 60% believe that their colleagues would also react positively...

Effective washroom solutions that enhance custo...
Businesses have realised that keeping their washrooms clean is just the start, and that creating a pleasant and hygienic environment will have a positive effect on customers, guests, and employees.
Effective washroom solutions that enhance customer perceptions
Businesses have realised that keeping their washrooms clean is just the start, and that creating a pleasant and hygienic environment will have a positive effect on customers, guests, and employees.

Maximise your cleaning efforts with sanitising ...
‘Visible cleaning’ has become the watchword of our industry, with many businesses opting to employ staff to sanitise high touch areas throughout the day, as well as clean at night.
Maximise your cleaning efforts with sanitising wipes
‘Visible cleaning’ has become the watchword of our industry, with many businesses opting to employ staff to sanitise high touch areas throughout the day, as well as clean at night.

Planning ahead for winter hygiene
We might just be saying goodbye to summer but planning ahead for winter hygiene has never been more important.
Planning ahead for winter hygiene
We might just be saying goodbye to summer but planning ahead for winter hygiene has never been more important.